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Turandot Tutorial: Self-Contained

Note that this tutorial is complex in that it supports CSAR packages that include container images as artifacts. You may prefer to start with the simpler tutorial.

Start by cloning the Turandot git repository so that you’ll have access to all the example files and helper scripts:

git clone
cd turandot

If you prefer to read code rather than prose, check out the lab/ directory, where we have scripts that do much of what is explained here.



Download the binary release of Turandot. Specifically you’ll need the turandot CLI utility (it’s a self-contained executable).

You will also need the Reposure CLI utility in order to configure the registry that Turandot will use to store TOSCA service templates and artifacts, so download that, too.

Finally, we’ll need the puccini-csar CLI utility from Puccini in order to package our CSAR. It’s generally useful to have Puccini available in order to validate and otherwise work with your TOSCA and CSAR.

A few other tools used by the scripts: podman (or docker), pigz (or gzip), zip, zipinfo, tar, jq.

Kubernetes Cluster

To get started with Turandot you need kubectl access to a working Kubernetes cluster.

For development work, Minikube is a quick way to get started. Just make sure to start Minikube with its registry add-on enabled:

minikube start --addons=registry ...

The turandot and reposure utilities use the same local configuration you have for kubectl, and like kubectl they can accept a --namespace argument for selecting the namespace in which to work. To make commands more succinct in this guide let’s set a default namespace:

kubectl create namespace workspace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=workspace

Installing the Operators

Before you install the operators, note that you may need to specify a cluster-wide role in order to permit them access to the authentication and authorization secrets necessary to connect to the registry (see below), because those secrets may be stored outside of your namespace.

If you indeed need access to secrets for testing you can use “view” role, which already exists in most Kubernetes deployments. It allows read-access to any resource in any namespace.

(For production systems you would want more tightened security, in which case it would be a good idea to create a custom cluster role that would allow access to just the registry secrets and nothing else. Doing so is beyond the scope of this guide.)

To install the operators with the “view” cluster role you can use these commands:

turandot operator install --role=view --site=central --wait -v
reposure operator install --role=view --wait -v

Here we’re also giving this cluster the “central” site identifier. This will be used for multi-cluster policy-based TOSCA service composition.

Note the operators’ container images are downloaded from Docker Hub. Here are direct links for Turandot, Reposure operator, and Reposure surrogate.

The --wait flag tells the commands to block until the operators are running successfully. The -v flag adds more verbosity so you can see what the command is doing. (You can use -vv for even more verbosity.)

Configuring the Registry

You will now use Reposure to configure the “default” registry for Turandot.

This can be simple or complex depending on your Kubernetes cluster. The reason it can be challenging is that the Turandot operator does more than just deploy TOSCA, it can also deploy artifacts referred to by your TOSCA, including artifacts of a special type: container images. Container images are downloaded from a registry by the container runtime (CRI-O, Docker, etc.) that runs on each of the cluster’s hosts, and by the container runtime is likely to be configured by delay to require TLS authentication (HTTPS) and may even require authorization.

Reposure comes with built-in support for the built-in registries of a few Kubernetes distributions, making it easy to make use of them. For Minikube:

reposure registry create default --provider=minikube --wait -v

For OpenShift:

reposure registry create default --provider=openshift --wait -v

(For both of these cases we would need to add --role=view during the operator installation step above.)

If you’re using neither Minikube nor OpenShift then you must set up your own registry. For production environments you’d likely want to use a robust product, like Harbor or Quay. Alternatively, Reposure comes with a “simple” registry that is suitable for testing and small deployments.

Reposure’s “Simple” Registry

Installing the “simple” registry is simple, but configuring your Kubernetes container runtime to accept it is beyond the scope of this guide. Specifically you would need to allow it to accept your TLS certificate or your custom certificate authority.

However, if you can configure your container runtime to at least accept self-signed certificates (so-called “insecure” mode, which in Minikube is enabled via the --insecure-registry flag), then Reposure’s “simple” registry can provision such a self-signed certificate for you.

To do so Reposure relies on cert-manager, which does a lot of the heavy lifting required for provisioning and updating certificates. (The additional challenge of working with TLS certificates in cloud environments is that IP addresses change, so that certificates either have to be updated or tied to a DNS domain name, and then DNS management may be local and custom.)

So, assuming your container runtime is “insecure”, you can start by installing cert-manager:

kubectl apply --filename=

And then install the “simple” registry with self-signed authentication like so:

reposure simple install --authentication --wait -v

Finally, configure the registry:

reposure registry create default --provider=simple --wait -v

(Note that if you are using the “simple” registry with authentication then you don’t need to install the operators with --role=view, because the “simple” registry stores its certificate secrets within its namespace.)

Building the Self-Contained CSAR

Let’s use the included Self-Contained example, which is based on this Kubernetes demo.

First you’ll need to export the container image into a tarball so that you can use it as a TOSCA artifact. The build-csar script will handle that:


Next you’ll use the build-csar script to package the TOSCA topology template, profiles, and artifacts (including the container image tarball you created above) into a CSAR:


The CSAR file should now sit in the “dist” directory.

Deploying “Self-Contained”

You can now deploy the CSAR to your cluster:

turandot service deploy self-contained --file=dist/self-contained.csar -v

Follow the logs to see what Turandot is doing:

turandot operator logs --follow

To list all deployed services:

turandot service list

Note that the “Self-Contained” example includes a LoadBalancer Kubernetes service that would allow you to access its web page from outside the cluster. If your cluster is not configured with LoadBalancer support then the service will never get an IP address, and the TOSCA “url” output for your “Self-Contained” service will show, even when successfully deployed.

If you’re using Minikube, it comes with a primitive ingress solution based on ssh tunneling that can be useful for testing. To run it (it’s blocking, so you might want to do it in a separate terminal session):

minikube tunnel

Once the tunnel is up, the LoadBalancer should get its IP address, and Turandot would soon update the “url” output with the correct URL. You can then use curl or a web browser to access it:

xdg-open $(turandot service output self-contained url)